I went to their web page, and my account has been converted from the old AT&T account to the new Cingular account. Because of this, I got stuck in an endless loop trying to log in.
After finding an old bill (and tucking my son into bed first), I call Customer Service.
I enter my phone number, and am converted (probably cause of old AT&T). I enter my phone number AGAIN and I wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait. You get the idea. I know I got on the phone around 9:35 or so. I got off the phone at about 10:25.
On the bright side, I found out how much my bill was. I found out it was mailed late (because of the transfer), and I should be getting it soon. The nice man reviewed my bill, and noticed that a $10 credit for phone lines was not put on my bill when they converted my account over, so he updated that, and credited me the $20 on my bill.
I also was able to set my phones up so my wife and I can text message. It is something we don't do very often, but have wanted to on occasion. But when I set up the accounts, I clicked something so it was impossible to text message. oops.
Anyway, I don't usually like calling Customer Service, but this wasn't too bad (once you get past the being on hold part).
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