Wednesday, September 20, 2006

WL - 9/20 check-in

I know it's not time for a Weight Loss check-in, but since I'll be on a much needed vacation on Friday, and leaving Thursday morning, I figured Wednesday is my best time this week.

I've now gone 3 1/2 weeks without Dr Pepper. (I think that is a record.)
This week, I saw some drop in body mass as well as weight.

Overall, as of this morning, I have lost 20 pounds. I've lost 3 inches in my chest, and 2.5 inches in my waist.

People have started noticing and my cloths are beginning to fit anywhere from a little to much looser.

I've made my goal for this month. Which also puts me half way to my total goal.

Though I will admit that hitting my total is a bit of a stretch, but I think I should be able to hit another 10 to 15 pounds. We'll see.

Of course this trip this weekend will be tough. I know I will gain weight. It's just how much will I gain. I'm lucky for 1 to 2 meals a day normally, while I'm gone, I know they make 3 meals a day. I know I'll hike at least one day, but not sure about the others, so that will help... a bit. Though I don't think fishing burns many calories. We'll see.

1 comment:

Laura said...

No DP for 3 1/2 weeks....HOW!? I could hardly ever find Dr. Pepper in Saipan, but it is in our pop machine at school, and I have no will power.

I have GOT to lose weight---or buy nore lose weight it is.