Wednesday, May 11, 2005

More on Daughters

I was reading today's post on Counseling Notes, and he talked more about fathers and daughters and it really got me to thinking.

I know I was just talking about how crazy my daughter makes me. But the truth is, I really do love her, and I used to love spending time with her. And it isn't too bad at the moment.

I remember when I met her mother. It was real important to my wife that I just wasn't her husband, but that I was also my girl's daddy... And I've tried to be that. I didn't kill her when she popped a fire cracker 2 inches from my ear as I was crawling out from underneath the trailer. I remember when she had sleep overs, and we had a house of little girls. (that is an experience!!!) Building her a tree house and spending time with her in it. I took her on father/daughter dates. We would just go out and have fun, and spend time together.

I will say something about our dates. I would really suggest doing that. And start when they are little. My girl was a tween before we started, and that wasn't early enough. (as now she barely wants to be seen with me.) But go out and have fun. Just going to Mickey D's and eating and watching them play as a little kid will work wonders. The movies, putt-putt, shopping (which is different than the shopping most of us men do), any number of other things will build memories for you and your daughter. Oh, and dinner, don't forget dinner. Sometimes I would pick the place, and other times, she would.

I know there are a lot of things I wont get to do with her anymore. She is just too old for daddy. But occationally, when no one is looking, I'll still get a hug and a kiss.

Now, I know boys are a different creature all together, but I'm trying to do the stuff that will build memories and help us be as close as possible so when he becomes a teenager, maybe he'll not hate to be seen with me. (but I'm not holding my breath.)

I know I've not been a perfect father. I've made lots of mistakes, and I sure I'll make more, but with the Lords help, I try to be better everyday.

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