Monday, July 04, 2005

Fart in the Face

I hope you all get as good a laugh out of this as my wife did.

My boy was complaining that his hiney was itching. Be a good, concerned dad, I took him to the bathroom to check his rear. He bent over, and I noticed a little red bump. So I put him on the counter to take a closer look. We were at the park Sunday night, and the lake today, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't a tick. Well, I turn on the counter light, had him bend over so I can take a closer look. I lean in a bit to take a good close look, and he farts. A nice, loud, stinky fart.

He thought it was great. And I have to admit, it was pretty funny. Guess he can just have an itchy hiney next time. hehehe

(oh, and no tick, probably a chigger or just a wearing a wet swim suite all day)

Ok, you can really stop laughing now. :)

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