Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Cardiologist appointment

When my boy was 2 we took him for one of the normal 2 year old check-ups. But we got a surprise this time. The doctor noticed a heart murmur. Basically, for those that don't know, a heart murmur is when one of the valve's in your heart does not close all the way.

I had one after I had Rheumatic fever. It had damaged one of my heart valves. But after a couple years, my heart murmur went away. Doctors couldn't explain it. (duh, God healed me). Anyway, I digress.

We took him in to see a Cardiologist that specialized in children. She said everything seemed fine, he did have the murmur, but not to worry too much. He seemed normal and healthy. He did the normal 2 year old things, and didn't seem to tire easily. Come back before he starts kindergarten.

Well, that time has come. Some chest X-rays were taken about a month ago, and we take him to see a Cardiologist today.

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