Saturday, November 11, 2006

Cub Scout Popcorn Sales

Tonight I went and picked up the popcorn my boy sold so we can start delivering.

As I've stated before, he sold over $730 worth of popcorn. That is a lot of popcorn. But you should have seen what I saw tonight.

The pack sold over $18,000 worth of popcorn. That is right. I didn't put the comma in the wrong spot. over $18,000. That means that the if we sell all the popcorn that was ordered (order first, pay when you get it), then the pack will receive around $6,300 plus the fact that this region will also get $6,300.

I still don't know if my boy is one of the top 3 sellers, but the top seller sold over $2,500 himself. That's darn impressive (and from what I could tell, he did it, not his parents).

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