Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hugo Blogs

Ok, so technically, that isn't true. Jorge Garcia (who plays Hugo) blogs.

His blog is called Dispatches from the Island.

One of the guys I work with sent me the link. I've read through several of his posts. Amazing! He is as down to earth as I am. And when I say that I mean normal. You know how actors can be.

So Jorge, if you happen to read this, you rock!

Everyone else? Go read his blog!

1 comment:

Jorge Garcia said...

Yes. Yes I do know how actors can be. And if I may say, "normal" is the standard. I've been lucky to work with many actors and most have been "normal." Anything else believe me is the exception. It's just that those are the ones that make the tabloids.

P.S. Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you dig the blog.