Saturday, July 16, 2005


I have days that I just don't want to care. I'm tired and cranky. I don't want to do anything. Don't want to talk to anyone... You get my point.

There are days that I get so many pieces of Forwarded email that I really can't stand it. And not just any forwarded email, but the kind where you have to open 5 layers deep to see the email that then has all the > > > > in front of the lines. In fact, I usually don't bother to read them... I just delete them.

But there is that rare exception when I do open them. Sometimes it's not worth the effort, and sometimes... When you least expect it... When it's something you've seen a dozen times...

I am Thankful:

For the wife
who says it's hot dogs tonight,
Because she is home with me,
and Not out with someone esle.

For the Husband
who is on the sofa
being a couch potato,
Because he is home with me
and not out at the bars.

For the Teenager
Who is complaining about doing dishes
Because it means she is at home,
Not on the strees.

For the taxes I pay
because it means
I am employed.

For the Mess to clean after a part
Because it means I have
been surrounded by freinds.

For the Clothes that fit a little too snug
because it means
I have enought to eat.

For my shadow that watches me work
because it means
I am out in the sunshine.

For a lawn that needs mowing,
windows that need cleaning,
and gutters that need fixing
Because it means
I have a home.

For all the complaining
I hear about the government
because it means
we have freedom of speech.

For the parking spot
I find at the far end of the parking lot
beacause it means I cam capable of walking
and I have been blessed with transportation.

For my huge heating bill
because it means
I am warm.

For the lady behind me in church
who sings off key because it means
I can hear.

For the pile of laundry and ironing
because it means
I have clothes to wear.

For weariness and aching muscles
at the end of the day
because it means I have been
capable of working hard.

For the alarm that goes off
in the early morning hours
because it means I am alive.

And Finally, for too much e-mail
because it means I have
friends who are thinking of me.

Well, maybe not so much for the last one, but you get my point.

I'm getting ready to head to Tulsa and do some work for my grandparents. I love them, but it is summer in Oklahoma, and that means just 2 things. Hot and Humid. (forcast is for 97 with chance of T-storms, so add the heat index, and we'll be well over 100) And the thought of working outside doesn't thrill me. But I have 3 of my 4 grandparents still with me, and they are all in their 70's. I'd like to keep them for a while longer, and if that means doing stuff I don't' want to so I can spend more time with them, well, I'll do my best to be thankful that I'm covered in sweat and grass in a couple hours.

Also, I don't want you to think I've posted this because for any kind of ataboy. This is something I believe all grandkids should do if they are capable. I know they don't, but they should!

I'm posting this here because maybe someone will be inspired to help out one of their loved ones. Also, I use this blog to say things that I might not say to others around me, as a place to say things that I think.

I know that there is a chance that this could be the last time I see my grandfather, and the thought of not having him with me would hurt. But I also know that it isn't my will that I need to be concerned with it's Gods. If it is time for my grandfather to go home, then I'll see him when I get there. I know that he has accepted Jesus as his Savior, and that when he dies, I'll see him again (since Jesus is my Lord as well). I know he'll see my other Grandfather, my aunt (his daughter) that we have just recently lost, and our baby we lost several years ago.

I also realize, that he may come through this fine. I've been able to tell he hasn't felt good lately, and that at 76, he doesn't have that many years left anyway. I need to do everything I can to extend those years, for me, my wife, and my kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah--and you're kinda cute--for a straight guy.