Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Cell Phones and Cars!

Ok. I've had it. I'm sick of all the publicity that using your cell phone while driving makes you a bad driver.

I don't buy it.

I think having people in the car with me is more distracting than talking on my cell phone. Especially when a hands free unit is being used.

I've ridden with people that don't just look in the rear view mirror at you while talking, but actually turn around to look at you.

I know that when I have my 5 year old in the car, he is always wanting me to look at him, or pick something up he has dropped. My cell phone has never asked me to pick something up from the back seat that it has dropped.

In my opinion, the only dangerous thing about talking on a cell phone while driving is dialing the phone. And that is what speed dial is for.


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