This year, he said surprise him. So I did cupcakes and decorated them as pokeballs.
For his 10th birthday, he wanted a Star Destroyer. It didn't turn out so hot. or at least, I didn't think so. He loved it, so I guess that's all that counts.
I've been a loyal Dish Network customer since June 1988. But recent actions by your company have me strongly reconsidering my choice of provider. Earlier this year, there was a problem with Fox Sports and now with Griffin Communications.Next week, if the 2 of you do not come to an agreement, I'll lose the ability to watch the the news channel I wish to watch and other shows my family enjoys.I'm paying you for that channel, however, if you stop carrying that channel, I doubt you drop the cost of local HD channels. Which means this all comes down to money in YOUR pocket.I strongly hope you two can come to an agreement before the deadline. If I lose this channel and have to find another way to watch this channel. It may be a permanent change.