Tuesday, March 25, 2008


And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Eph 6:18 (NIV)

I know many that read my blog are Christians, and I ask each and every one of you, right now, to please, take a moment, and pray for a little boy named Treiton.

He is the son of my wifes life long friend. He has been battling cancer for a couple years now, and had been doing well. Tonight, he's fighting for his life. We don't know what the problem is. We know his kidneys aren't working well, his blood pressure is down and his heart rate up. Last I heard, they think an infection may be causing it, and with his weakened immune system, it's tearing him up.

He is one of the most precious kids I've ever had the privilege to meet.

Our God is alive and well! He has made us, and can heal this little boy. I believe in the power of prayer, and at the same time my heart breaks for this little boy. Younger than my own boy by a year or so.

Also, please keep his family, and especially his parents in your prayers.

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