Sunday, April 29, 2007


I did some more work in my garden the past 2 weekends.

Last weekend, I re-planted tomatoes, bell peppers, and jalapeƱo peppers that the late freeze we had killed.

This weekend, I was able to plant my corn. In a couple more weeks, I'll plant my pole beans and squash. Later this week, I hope to plant some cucumbers.

Yesterday and today, I picked 2 strawberries. But unfortunately, the birds and/or bugs got to enjoy the them, instead of me.

And finally, I noticed that my blackberry bush had blooms on it tonight. They weren't there yesterday when I mowed.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Beam us up Scotty

What kind of nerd fan would I be if I didn't bring this up.

Today, (Saturday), some of actor James Doohan's (Scotty from Star Trek) ashes will be launched into space.

You can ready more about it here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Raingutter Regatta

Tonight was my son's Raingutter Regatta at the Pack meeting.

Instead of doing the normal boat, we got creative and made a catamaran. My boy helped design it, sand it, and paint it. Though I did the cutting on the boat.

So, at tonights race, well, let's just say he kicked some booty. :)

He ended up in 1st place of the Tiger Cubs!!!

He was so happy.

Here is his Pirate Catamaran!

Here is his boat along with some of the other boats.

He was racing another Catamaran. I thought he was going to get beat. And I would have been upset since I told his den master what
2007 RainGutter Regatta
First Place Tigers
(BTW, those are cannons on the side)

Tonight, he also got his Bobcat and Tiger badges along with a slew of belt-loops

Monday, April 23, 2007

Church Web Page.

Wow, I've been gone a while huh?

I've been busy doing all sorts of things.

At the top, I've set up a web page for my church. You can see it at You may, or may not, be surprised at how hard it is to find a domain name.

I think it looks pretty good. I've got some help to keep it updated. So, we'll see how it goes.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Prom 2007

Well, today is prom. Not just prom, but this year, it's senior prom! After much drama and to-do. They finally got off. I ended up taking some pictures at Woodward Park. In fact, there were several of us taking pictures.

This is the four girls. Mine is in the pink poofy dress.

My daughter and her friend.

My two kids. He was having fun, but that was the best picture of him I got.

My daughter and her date!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Senior Tea

Today, was Senior Tea day. Best I can tell, it's a day where mother and daughter get to dress up and have a tea party. My wife took several pictures. It was interesting to see pictures of these girls that I've know since they were 9 or so, and how grown up they look.

Here are a couple pictures of my wife and daughter.

Monday, April 02, 2007

What month is it?

You gotta love Oklahoma weather. (Ok, not really)

It is currently 83 degrees at 6:25 pm. I saw one thermometer that read 88.
Tomorrows high is 62, Wednesday is 55. Chance of frost by the weekend.


XP Background prolems continued

In my last post I had a problem with not being able to change my background.

That other fix seemed to work, but I was having problems with it reverting back, and not being able to change my wallpaper.

Well, if you have that problem, try this (which was finally the solution that worked for me.

Run REGEDIT then go to

Delete the Wallpaper Value

It worked for me.