Monday, March 12, 2007


I love Netflix. I've talked about them before I'm pretty sure. I could just image what my life would have been like if they existed when I was single.

Well, recently they have added the ability to stream movies directly from them.

I've been awaiting the day that option was available to me. They are slowly turning it on for their subscribers. Well, after about a month of waiting, I was really going crazy. I wanted to be able to stream movies to my PC.

Now, normally, I wouldn't care. When I want to watch a movie, I want to watch it in my living room on my big TV and surround sound. However, I love movies playing as background noise. So, how cool could this be at work? But still no access.

Well, about a week or 2 ago, I was looking at this Gizmodo post, and they had a link you could click that would give your Netflix account access. So, when I clicked this link, and I checked my account, I had access. I was so happy.

So, what do I think? Selection was surprisingly good. And that is all I know. I've been so busy, that I haven't even had the chance to listen to a movie.

I do know that you'll get 1 hour of viewing for every $1 you spend on your account. Oh, and it requires IE. (No firefox here).

UPDATE: While going back and looking at the article, some people said the link had stopped working and later, people said it did work. So, if you're interested give it a shot. if it doesn't work, stop back by and try again later, who knows. Worse case, you should have it in June.

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