Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Man, where have I been? Not blogging, that is for certain, huh?

Last Saturday was a busy day.
That morning, I was at the soccer fields helping get them ready for this years games. We were doing the initial marking of the fields, fixing bleachers, fixing nets, filling holes. I was there from 8 till 12:30, and I was one tired puppy when I came home.

That evening we had a Cub Scout banquet where my boy was suppose to get his Tiger badge, but because of a communication problem, they didn't get their awards. The promotion ceremony for the 2nd year Webelos into Boy Scouts was really cool.

Because of that, we missed the eclipse, but we did catch a really cool moon.

Work has been crazy, and I mean real crazy. So bad, I haven't wanted to go, but I have.

Hopefully, it wont be another week and a half till my next update.

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