Friday, October 20, 2006

Cub Scouts - Woolaroc

Thursday, the Cub Scouts went to Woolaroc. which means Woods, lakes, rocks. For those who don't know, it was created by Frank Phillips the founder of Phillips 66. So I took off work so I could take my boy. It was the first time he had been there, and the first time he had been to a museum. (I know, I've been a bad dad.) Anyway he loved it! Just the drive in was an adventure as we saw so many animals that he had never seen before.

They have a watch tower, or whatever you want to call it on top of one of the buildings. From it you can see all around. That is were I took the above picture looking at the front of the Museum.

After we watched a movie and slide show, we went into the museum and looked around. He loved it. He enjoyed a lot of stuff in there. He liked the guns and shrunken-heads, arrow heads and a lot of the other stuff that was in there.

After that, we went back across to the other building and had lunch. The Cub Scout Pack supplied bottomless PB&J sandwiches. When we finished, we fed our trash to the Trash eating Buffalo (a vacuum buffalo that sucks up your trash). This has always been one of the coolest things to me and my wife about Woolaroc, and he loved it too. Then off to a hike we went.

It wasn't a long hike, but considering the temps were low, it wasn't bad. There is a bit more to the trail that we my take later that we as a pack did not go on. But for Thursday, it was good.

After the hick we were done. Me and my boy stayed a while longer and went and looked at the old lodge, and he got to climb around on some rocks down by the lodge. On the way out, we saw many more animals really up close and personal. We drove through a huge heard of buffalo as well. They were very close. One was about 3 feet from the car. Me and my boy had a blast as did the other Cub Scouts.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I had no idea that's what Woolaroc meant! Last time I went, I was with your family and my family and I wasn't much older than your kid!